Physical Therapy for Seniors

Physical Therapy for Seniors: Staying Active and Independent

Physical activity is key to a healthy mind and body exercise and movement strengthen muscles, improve balance and flexibility, and can help prevent falls.

Physical therapy can also catch issues that may seem minor but could lead to bigger problems down the road. For example, seniors often experience changes in bone density and muscle mass which can increase their risk for fractures.

La Clinica located here in Elgin, IL, provides personalized physical therapy services for seniors, helping them regain mobility, improve balance and maintain independence.


As people age, they lose muscle and bone mass that makes them prone to injuries. Physical therapy can catch problems that may not seem major now but could lead to a bigger issue down the road, like falls.

Geriatric therapists focus on exercises that strengthen bones, joints, muscles and tendons to improve mobility and reduce pain. This can help seniors maintain independence and reduce the need for prescription medication.

Strengthening exercises can also lower the risk of falls which are the number one cause of injury and death among seniors. A therapist can teach seniors how to balance their body and maintain stability as they walk which can greatly reduce the risk of additional falls this can make a huge difference for someone who suffers from osteoporosis or other conditions that affect balance and posture.


Physical therapists can teach older adults how to improve flexibility, reduce pain, and avoid injury this is a great alternative to surgeries or long-term use of prescription drugs for many seniors who have chronic health problems, including arthritis and osteoporosis.

Keeping up with flexibility exercises which include stretching and lifting weights, can help seniors avoid muscle tightness and pain that often leads to a decreased ability to move resulting in a greater risk of injury. PT can also help them learn how to stay balanced which can reduce the risk of falls that are common among seniors and often lead to fractures.

When helping a loved one seek out physical therapy, it’s important to encourage them to find a physical therapist they feel comfortable with this includes offering to go with them to their first appointment and offering assistance with transportation if necessary.


As people age, they often develop balance problems this is because their bones become less dense and their joints experience changes that may lead to arthritis degraded cartilage or other problems that impact balance.

Physical therapy is a great way to strengthen the muscles that improve balance and teach techniques that help seniors maintain their stability this will lower their risk of injury and reduce the number of prescription drugs they take to control pain from chronic health conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis.

Try this simple balance exercise to improve your own strength and confidence Stand with your feet together and arms at your sides next to a chair then lift your right leg straight back. Hold it for one second and then bring your leg back down. Repeat ten to 15 times on each side.


A common reason seniors need physical therapy is because they have suffered injuries or health issues that limit their mobility. These treatments help them lead a more independent lifestyle by treating pain, improving movement and helping with balance issues, among other things.

Elderly adults with limited mobility are at a higher risk of falls, which are the leading cause of fractures in seniors. During in-home physical therapy, a therapist will teach them exercises to improve balance that they can do at home.

They’ll also learn exercises to help alleviate pain without medications, which can have unwanted side effects. And, doing PT in their own home allows them to work on their recovery at a time that fits into their schedule this can make them feel more confident and motivated during their treatment.

Pain Management

In addition to improving flexibility and strengthening muscles, physical therapy exercises often target pain management. Many older adults find relief from chronic pain from conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia and back problems with physical therapy instead of relying on medication.

Physical therapists can help seniors reduce pain and improve movement and balance to prevent falls, which are the most common cause of injury in older adults. Pain-relieving exercises are safe and can be as effective as prescription drugs but without the harmful side effects.